We are extremely honored and thrilled to share the exciting news that our agency has been presented a formal “Proclamation of Congratulations” by the Macomb County Board of Commissioners. Presented by Commissioner Joe Sabatini, a framed certificate of the Proclamation was given to firm Vice President James Barr at a ceremony held on February 7, 2024.
The Proclamation reads, in part:
“Whereas Gompers, Cornish and Barr Insurance Agency continues to serve the Macomb Township community…generously [volunteering] their time and resources to various local programs. They recently adopted a family through the Macomb Charitable Foundation. They support Friends of Foster Kids, a nonprofit in Sterling Heights, through the Italian-American Chamber of Commerce, and they volunteer at seasonal events hosted by the Macomb Township Parks and Recreation Department.”

Only the Board’s 34th proclamation on record, the declaration was dated November 27, 2023, also noting that, “The Board of Commissioners wishes to publicly commend and congratulate Gompers, Cornish and Barr Insurance Agency as they celebrate their 60th anniversary.”
Jim Barr says, “This is such a tremendous honor for everyone here on the GCB team. We really emphasize and celebrate giving back to the community we serve. For us to receive this public recognition for those efforts is a testament to the team we are building here. May it be the first of many more celebrations of the spirit of giving to come in the years ahead!”